Keep your little ones active with toddler classes in our Glasgow facility.
Here at Movement Park we believe in giving our tots the best start possible when it comes to being active. Our tots classes focus on movement, jumping, balance and getting confident on wheels. We encourage family participation but there is still time for you to chat with the other parents for some much needed adult interaction!
Gym Tots: This is our varied movement class to support balance and hand eye coordination, everything from climbing and jumping, to learning how to use our gym ladders, hurdles, throwing and catching, or even using bats and balls.
Parkour Tots: If your kid is one that climbs and jumps all over the house then parkour tots is for you. We’ll work on the right techniques not only for climbing, but also for jumping, falling and rolling too.
Wheelie Tots: We have balance bikes, pedal bikes, 3 wheeled scooters, 2 wheeled scooters, and skateboards ready and waiting! Not only this, we also have ramps and obstacles to build confidence and competence too.
Ninja Tots: Our ninja classes are a fun, movement-based activity session where we introduce the fundamentals of movement, and various movement patterns, such as twisting and turning, hopping and skipping, falling and rolling, and timing and rhythm.
Frequently Asked Questions
What age are the toddler class suitable for?
You can join us as soon as your toddler is up on their feet and can walk independently. They can stay in the class all the way up to starting school and then they will transfer to the P1 - 3 sessions.
Do I need to have my own bike to join the wheelie tots classes?
No, we have a selection of balance bikes and a couple of pedal bikes for our tots to use in the sessions, which is a great way to give them a shot at moving up to a pedal bike when they are ready. We advise you to bring a helmet if you can and you are welcome to bring your own balance bike if you prefer.
Is it safe for toddlers?
Yes, our Movement Park toddler classes are run by trained coaches who ensure it is a safe and risk free environment for your wee one to move about. We encourage family participation to support your toddlers as they move around the room until they become more independent and develop their movement skills.