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Learn BMX skills for free at Movement Park.


Mamy ekscytującą okazję dla wszystkich szkół, aby zaangażować się w Ruch Parki sportów miejskich, które mamy do zaoferowania. 

Jeśli uważasz, że twoja szkoła zrobiłbym być zainteresowanym Ruchem Park sessions, wniezależnie od tego, czy są to jednorazowe sesje, alternatywne bloki szkoleniowe 1: 1 lub działanie Twoje sesje WF na zasadzie semestru, skontaktuj się z nami i zobacz, jak możemy współpracować z Tobą i Twoją szkołą! 


What you'll learn

  • Bike handling skills: Steering, balancing, braking safely and navigating turns

  • Riding on ramps: How to safely go up and down ramps

  • Technique and positioning: The correct technique for safe and fun racing and freestyle BMX

  • Intro to racing: How to pace themselves on the track to build confidence and racing skills

How does it work?

The first 4-weeks focus on learning the fundamentals of BMX freestyle as this equips them confidence and enhances their bike handling skills. Following this they then complete 4-weeks of BMX Racing at Glasgow BMX Centre.

  • BMX Freestyle - x4 Sunday's at Movement Park

  • BMX Racing - x4 Thursday's at Glasgow BMX Centre (Knightswood)

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do the Rock up and Ride sessions take place?

The first four sessions take place with our coaches at Movement Park every Sunday at 2pm. We then move over to the Glasgow BMX Centre at Knightswood for the remaining four sessions which take place on Thursday evenings at 7pm.


Where and when do I pick up my bike package?

All Rock up and Ride participants will be contacted at the end of the eight week block and invited into Movement Park on a set day to pick up their bike. Pick up takes approximately 60 minutes in total on the day. 

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